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All the surgeries are realized by the help of Radio frequencies. This technology allows us a better control while operating, with minimum bleeding, improving aesthetic results and decreasing of the postoperatory pain. We also realize several surgeries under local anesthesia instead of general anesthesia if possible. In doing so, the intervention under local anesthesia avoids all the risk related to general anesthesia and diminishes of approximately 50 % the expenses of the surgery. Some examples of innovative surgeries.
- DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ADENOIDECTOMY WITH RADIO FREQUENCIES AND TRADITIONAL ADENOIDECTOMY?This surgery is indicated in children with problems of mouth breathing, snoring and otitis to repetition. Though that the tissu of the adenoides has a function of defense of the organism, in presence of multiple infections it becomes not functional and harmful. In this surgery one withdraws the tissu hipertrofico and obstructively that causes the problem, since the visual permanent control during the surgery, this way allows it. Comparatively with a traditional surgery, in which one withdraws blindly the fabric of the adenoides, causing the bled one importantly and frequently leaving remnants of adenoides obstructively that force to the second surgery.
- DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TONSILS RESURFACING WITH RADIO FREQUENCIES AND TRADITIONAL TONSILS? Surgery indicated in patients with tonsillitis to repetition in whom there is not achieved a control of the infectious episodes, in patients with big obstructive tonsils during the breathing or in patients with badly breath in which other reasons have discarded. The tissu of the tonsils has an immunological function of defense of the organism overcoat in small children. It is the reason for which the current trend is of practising partial surgeries in which one withdraws only the harmful tissu. In the Resurfacing one believes a new external cap in the tonsil leaving alone healthy and functional tissu. The advantage for the patient is a minimum bleeding, fewer postoperatory pain and in a patient collaborator it is possible to realize under local anesthesia, diminishing the risks of a general anesthesia and the costs.
- DIFFERENCE BETWEEN UVULOPALATOPLASTY (Surgery for snoring) WITH RADIO FREQUENCIES AND TRADITIONAL UVULOPALATOPLASTY?Indicated in patients with snoring or with apnea, in whom there has been verified the existence of vibration from the soft palate while sleeping and that it causes the typical noise of the snorer (Test of apnea of the necessary dream to confirm the diagnosis). Anatomical in these patients there is practised a correction of the size of the uvula; using radio frequencies for this surgery, the trauma is minimal as well as the bleeding. It could be realized under local anesthesia (diminishing the risks of a general anesthesia and the costs.)